Do Poodles Drool? The Ultimate Guide

Poodles are known for their elegance and intelligence, but what about their drooling habits? If you’re considering adding a poodle to your family or already have one, you might be wondering: do poodles drool? Let’s dive into this topic with insights from veterinary experts and poodle owners.

The Short Answer: Poodles Typically Don’t Drool Much

Poodles are generally not known for excessive drooling. Their physical characteristics, including tight, well-fitted lips and a refined jaw structure, make them less prone to drooling compared to breeds with loose, hanging lips like Saint Bernards or Bloodhounds.

Dr. Sarah Johnson, DVM, a veterinarian specializing in canine behavior, explains, “Poodles are among the breeds we consider ‘dry-mouthed.’ Their anatomy naturally minimizes drooling, which is one reason they’re popular among people who prefer a cleaner household.”

Factors That Can Influence Poodle Drooling

While poodles don’t typically drool excessively, certain factors can increase their likelihood of drooling:

  1. Teething in puppies: Like all dogs, poodle puppies may drool more when teething.
  2. Excitement or anxiety: Strong emotions can trigger temporary drooling.
  3. Health issues: Certain medical conditions may cause increased drooling.

Common Reasons for Occasional Drooling in Poodles

Even typically “dry” poodles might experience occasional drooling. Here are the most common reasons:

  1. Dental problems: Issues like gum disease or tooth infections can lead to drooling.
  2. Gastrointestinal issues: Nausea or stomach discomfort may cause temporary drooling.
  3. Heatstroke: Poodles can be sensitive to high temperatures, which may result in drooling.

Managing and Preventing Drooling in Poodles

To keep your poodle healthy and minimize drooling, follow these expert-recommended tips:

  1. Schedule regular vet check-ups: Early detection of health issues can prevent drooling-related problems.
  2. Maintain proper dental care: Brush your poodle’s teeth regularly and provide dental chews.
  3. Ensure proper hydration and a balanced diet: A healthy diet can prevent gastrointestinal issues that may lead to drooling.
  4. Manage stress and anxiety: Create a calm environment and provide regular exercise and mental stimulation.

Lisa Thompson, a professional poodle groomer with 15 years of experience, adds, “Regular grooming sessions can help you spot any unusual drooling early. It’s also a great time to check for any mouth or teeth issues.”

When to Be Concerned About Your Poodle’s Drooling

While some drooling is normal, excessive or sudden changes in drooling habits may indicate a health problem. Dr. Johnson advises, “If you notice a significant increase in your poodle’s drooling, especially if it’s accompanied by other symptoms like lethargy, loss of appetite, or behavioral changes, it’s time to consult your veterinarian.”

FAQs About Poodle Drooling

Do all poodle varieties drool the same amount?

Generally, all poodle varieties (Standard, Miniature, and Toy) have similar drooling tendencies due to their physical characteristics. However, individual dogs may vary.

Can diet affect my poodle’s drooling?

Yes. A balanced diet that avoids foods causing stomach upset can help manage drooling. Ensure your poodle has a consistent diet with proper hydration to prevent gastrointestinal issues.

Should I be worried if my poodle drools a lot in the summer?

Poodles can be sensitive to heat. Excessive drooling in hot weather might indicate overheating or heatstroke. Ensure your poodle stays cool and hydrated, and seek veterinary advice if drooling persists.

Are there any products that can help reduce drooling in poodles?

While poodles generally don’t need drool-specific products, there are items that can promote overall oral health and potentially reduce drooling. Dr. Johnson recommends, Look for enzyme-based dental chews, water additives that promote oral health, and toys designed for dental hygiene.


While poodles are generally not heavy droolers, understanding the factors that can influence their drooling habits is crucial for maintaining their health and happiness. By following the tips provided and staying attentive to your poodle’s behavior, you can ensure that any drooling issues are quickly addressed, keeping your elegant companion healthy and your home relatively drool-free.

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